The AI Hydra 32 Freshwater LED light offers an insane amount of power and a dedicated moonlight channel - Its perfect for your planted freshwater tank!
The Hydra 32 allows you to customize a spectrum that appeals to your visual preference while supplying the core output that planted freshwater tanks require. Each light has a dashboard with easy-to-access quick keys for turning your lights on/off or changing the mode.
The Hydra 32 comes standard with 80-degree lenses giving you the best balance of power and light spread. The AI lens optics are custom designed, boasting greater than 90% optical efficiency and including a diffuse exit surface to provide improved color blending.
The Hydra 32 has the power and the light spectrum to not only have plants that thrive - but they (and their fish mates) will look glow with vivid natural colors. You put a lot of time into your freshwater planted tanks - and you deserve, not only great results, but to be able to sit an appreciate its beauty.
The AI Hydra 32 Freshwater LED light offers an insane amount of power and a dedicated moonlight channel - Its perfect for your planted freshwater tank!
The Hydra 32 allows you to customize a spectrum that appeals to your visual preference while supplying the core output that planted freshwater tanks require. Each light has a dashboard with easy-to-access quick keys for turning your lights on/off or changing the mode.
The Hydra 32 comes standard with 80-degree lenses giving you the best balance of power and light spread. The AI lens optics are custom designed, boasting greater than 90% optical efficiency and including a diffuse exit surface to provide improved color blending.
The Hydra 32 has the power and the light spectrum to not only have plants that thrive - but they (and their fish mates) will look glow with vivid natural colors. You put a lot of time into your freshwater planted tanks - and you deserve, not only great results, but to be able to sit an appreciate its beauty.